Sunday, January 16, 2011

My New Journey

So under the recommendation of a new facebook friend- (who by the way, i know from an old group i used to belong in, but had NO idea the monumental accomplishments she has done! you know who you are and WOW!) i have started a blog to track and get out my joys, frustrations and food woes to help me get to my goal.
I will disclose my starting weight when i am comfortable enough to post it.. But for now, i will just give my weekly accomplishments..
Which are still totally awesome.

Since 11/28, i am down 5.4 lbs. I follow the Weight Watchers points plus plan and find it completely helpful to track and monitor every single thing I eat. i am accountable for what i do and the etools shows me when i have made a not so wise choice or have gone over in my points ( if you are familiar with the plan, then you know that you have 45 pts per week for indulgences, overage, etc)
I weigh in on wed or thurs, depending on whats going on at work. and i have a sidekick, Joe who faithfully goes with me.

SO here goes........



  1. I have been thinking of joining WW (again). I'm proud of you for doing this. :)

  2. Thanks carm- the weird part is that brain is more focused than ever!
